Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Divorce Effects Kids Essay - 951 Words

If two people love each other enough to get married, and together choose to form a lifelong commitment, why are so many of these marriages ending? What does marriage mean to people nowadays and why do people decide to get married? Records show us that people have been getting married for as long as the earliest recorded history. There are many benefits for couples who have a successful marriage. When a marriage begins to fail it is usually due to a couples inability to communicate, lack of a common goal, or a trust vs. mistrust issue; therefore, more so than not, these types of situations will ultimately result in a divorce. The most frequently asked question over the last two decades has been, â€Å"Does divorce effect children and how†¦show more content†¦Of these, close to half will also see the breakup of a parents second marriage (Furstenberg, Peterson, Nord, and Zill, Life Course, 656ff. Cited on page76 of The Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher). Since the int roduction of no-fault divorce in Canada 30 years ago, the rate of marital break-up has soared 600%. A third of all marriages fail, and over a third of those break-ups involve children. One-fifth of Canadian children have lost a parent to divorce, with an effect that some sociologists now say can be, worse than a parents death. Younger people in the U.S. who are marrying for the first time face roughly a 40-50% chance of divorcing in their lifetime under current trends (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992, p. 5). Studies show that ten years after their parents’ divorce 30% of the children cope successfully in life, while 40% have mixed successes with relationships, and personal problems. The remaining 30% continue to struggle with significant relationship and personal problems (Wallerstein, 1989). Divorce is a painful experience to go through for everyone who is involved. In reality, divorce is the destruction of God’s intentions of a true, loving family. Children of divorced families are, in a sense, robbed of a special experience of having a family. Children, in the mist of all of their confusion, usually turn to God to ask Him the one question that remains on their minds, and that is, why me? These same children that goShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Divorce1420 Words   |  6 PagesDivorce is viewed differently by many people. Sometimes this is due to experiences, what others have said, or looking at studies that are not always accurate. However, not everyone can have the same views about marriage ending in divorce. In the article, â€Å"No Easy Answers: Why the Popular View of Divorce Is Wrong† by Constance Ahrons she shows her view on divorce. Ahrons believes that divorce does not have long-lasting damaging effects on children (65). Divorce can affect chi ldren in the family butRead MoreHow Does Divorce Affect Children?1364 Words   |  6 PagesHOW DOES DIVORCE AFFECT CHILDREN? 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