Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Research Paper Topic Statement - Pulling the Reader Into the Story

Research Paper Topic Statement - Pulling the Reader Into the StoryA topic statement is what you use to attract your reader, setting the table and getting them talking about what they are really there to read about. You also set the stage for the chapter. If you don't grab their attention, they may well find the information useful, but they won't buy into it.In a topic statement, the focus is not on how you will accomplish your goal, which is the writing of the chapter. You don't have to talk about why you're writing it, what it is going to do, or what it will say. You just focus on what the topic of the chapter is, and what it is supposed to accomplish. To do this, the topic must be in the opening sentence of the chapter.For example, let's say you have the opportunity to write about a particular problem in nutrition, and you want to write a book on the subject. You may choose to focus on the problems that parents have in raising healthy children. You may say, 'Parents should learn ho w to raise happy, healthy children.' By putting the focus on the parents, who have a responsibility to their children, you provide them with an area where they can voice their concerns and connect to the topic.What then happens when a parent expresses his or her concern? Are you automatically talking about a child? Perhaps it may turn out that you need to identify the problem or the parent's concern in a different way. But, if you address the issue of nutrition in general, then the solution is always found in general terms.Chapter titles need to grab the reader and keep them talking. You can't simply outline the chapter as a report. The reader needs to feel you and want to read the next part.You need to ensure that the words keep flowing and you'll get them to turn the page and turn another page to find out what happens next. In some cases, a short summary of what happened in the chapter will suffice, but keep your head and make sure you come up with something you will want to discu ss.Finally, before beginning to write the chapter, sit down and write the title of the chapter first, which serves as the topic statement for the chapter. This lets you get a head start on what your title will be.These are some steps you can take to help you set the stage for your research paper. It's all about pulling the reader into the story and making them want to hear more.

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